Stock Trading Workshops
Many stock trading workshops leave investors feeling confused and overwhelmed. Financial theories and data sound fine on paper, but are they tested against all market conditions? Instead of showing investors how to do research and calculations, Optioneer Trading teaches a methodology for controlling the risk of the portfolio. In two online training classes, we provide information that can build confidence in novice and experienced traders. No previous work or knowledge is needed, since we cover the history and inner workers of index options securities. The workshops are also designed to teach our web-based platform, which provides information about the market and individual contracts. Learn about Our Methodology in a Stock Trading WorkshopThe basic idea behind the Optioneer method is selling options on stock indexes that are way out-of-the-money. These contracts have strike prices that are well outside of predicted market fluctuations. Before the contracts expire, our option positions are likely to be worthless to the buyer, and thus the premium is retained by the seller. For this method to work, a system must be followed to manage portfolio risk. A sudden rise or fall in market prices can be disastrous for an investor. In our workshops, we teach investors to buy stock index options at values above and below each sold option in order to cover this risk. The exact-purchase value is calculated by our software; so that the time spent managing positions is greatly reduced. To find out more about attending a stock trading workshop or to learn about our methodology, please contact us by email or telephone at 800-845-2502.