Options Trading Software
Options trading software often gives investors too much information and too many options. Investors are stuck at the computer for hours on end looking for additional information, and all too frequently, they miss their financial goals. At Optioneer Trading, we've written software that makes it easy to understand where a portfolio stands today and how it needs to be changed to prepare for tomorrow. While our web-based platform is very disciplined and refined, it still allows investors to manage their own portfolios. At the center of our system are two variables, known as P and R. The probability factor shows the chances of an index option contract expiring outside of the strike price. The risk factor helps the investor create an exit plan and understand the total risk of a portfolio. Learn Our Options Trading SoftwareWe provide full training for the software and cover topics, including: - General index information for novice investors and those with limited contract experience
- Rules that must be followed when using our trading software to manage risk
- Creating a strategy and how to set orders with your broker
- Using discipline for smarter trades and more security
Once an individual has practiced our program and mastered our methodology, an entire index options portfolio can be managed daily in a small amount of time. Some investors can set the day's orders in just five minutes. Please contact us by either email or telephone at 800-845-2502 to learn more about training for our methodology and program.