Options Trading Tips
Optioneer offers an entire methodology and web-based system that goes beyond traditional options trading tips. While our system is highly refined, it still allows for personal freedom and direct control over daily market orders. When used correctly, this application can help traders meet their investment goals while hedging against all possible market directions. Our key tip for realizing higher premiums is to sell index options at strike prices that are well above and below expected market values. With these calls and puts, the contract will expire and be worthless to the seller, which means that the investor reaps the entire premium. Our web-based platform uses a proprietary algorithm to find the ideal values to index option strike prices. Options Trading Tips Lower RiskIn addition to our "solid" options tips, we've created a methodology for managing the risk of these options. If an investor sells four call index options at a set price, we teach him to buy three more at a value near the strike price and one more at a value lower than the price. This way, the total holdings of the portfolio are protected from sudden upswings or plummets in the market price. For additional diversification, an investor should hold both calls and puts. The entirety of our trading tips is taught over the course of two online training sessions. Even novice investors will finish the class with a clear understanding of how to set and reach financial goals. To learn more about our offerings, please contact us at 800-845-2502 or by email.